Thursday 17 February 2011

Why are women so sensitive about their weight?

This is just a short and sweet post after a mini conversation regarding women being 'sensitive' when talking about weight.
It actually annoyed me as I personally don't have a problem with my weight and I don't mind talking about it or saying how much I weigh.

While talking to this person about weight, they refused to listen to my reasoning behind why women are supposedly, just innately more sensitive to their weight and stuck to their guns on the matter. 

VERY VERY annoying. There is nothing worse than arguing with someone who doesn't listen.

If people actually think about the reason why women are so sensitive about their weight in this day and age and in this society, I  think they'll find the root of the problem to be far from being simply innate or due to our genetic make-up.

Society, stereotypes, gender roles, sexuality, capitalism, patriarchy, media..... to name but a few.

Jaz x

Friday 4 February 2011

Gender Myths and Legends....

if you have any interest in gender or questions into the difference between the brains between men and women, have a look through these articles. Agree or disagree... but open your mind.

Guardian article on Gender Gap

Gender Theories

Women's brains are different...

Difference between male and female brain

Sexist Language

Brains and myths

Forgiveness....for me or for you?

Whether it's because I am swamped with reading through past modules on gender, society and representation, or having spoken to a few people about this topic in general I have been thinking about the concept of forgiveness and the truth behind it.

There are so many reasons people want to be forgiven. Some do it because they are overwhelmed with guilt and cannot move forward in their life until they feel peace has been made. Others are forced somewhat into the situation by others (friends, family etc.) bringing their actions to light and imposing a sort of guilt trip into doing something about it. Some are genuinely sorry for what they have done and what to make up for it by apologising and attempting to make right what went wrong. There are more reasons...

However, the worst type of "sorry" for me, is the completely SELFISH type. It's almost a mix of everything already mentioned, bar the selfless parts...

The type of sorry that only wants to BE forgiven. 
The sorry that cares not about the person who has been wronged, but only on moving forward, solo, arranging their life pieces back to how it used to be, as if nothing happened.
The sorry that doesn't actually acknowledge or understand what they did wrong, but only that they "should" apologise because someone told them to.
The sorry that finds them saying more promises.....left empty.
The sorry that includes....."I'm sorry....BUT...."

In my opinion, a sorry is not so much about saying it. It is the reason behind it. Why are you sorry? Why are you apologising now? Timing is important but not the be all and end all. Hence why the film "The Kite Runner" was so powerful, because even after the shameful actions, years later the man was truly sorry and wanted to attempt to make up for what he did.

No matter how many days, weeks or even years pass, if someone is truly sorry for something they did wrong to someone, it is never too late to apologise.

and mean it.

All of which cannot be done, before the person has forgiven themself  as only then can they truly understand the extremities of their actions and therefore the consequences.

Tuesday 1 February 2011


Welcome : )

This is my first blog of the year and also my first blog in a very, very long time. Too much has happened to cram into here but I'll see what I can do ; )

First things first! I've finally graduated (we got there in the end guys haha). After four years at Westminster, (1 year of Law, then 3 of English Literature) I came out the other end, with a 2:1! Yay to me. Without blowing my trumpet too much I am overly proud of myself, while still maintaining a full blown Hip-Hop dance career. Madness!! For those interested in my dissertation topic, my title was " An analysis of Mass Hysteria as an instrument of Evil as represented in The Crucible and the Lord of the Flies."

Since my last blog I've travelled, with my former dance crew Plague, to several places and performed at different events including UK BBOYS Photoshoot, MJ Timeless in Blackpool, London and more. Here are a few pics. All experiences were significant in one way or another, especially the latter. *cough cough*

 I don't think I have ever learnt so much from one job in my life. Impressions of people were shattered, I saw and heard things that I was shocked at daily, and of course I met and shared some amazing experiences with people that I will never forget.

After a constant and eventful 6 months back and forth, living in Eindhoven, I am back in LDN, applying for jobs abroad (TEFL in Asia). After training, invigilating and teaching abroad it was another significant experience that has made yet another shape in the mould that is... me. I met some amazing people, without whom I would not have made it out the other end alive. 
I would like to pass out my deepest thanks and love to those people, especially Shash and Leonie. And of course my rocks back here in LDN. Nuna, Tina, Nicole, Diane, Mike, Leon, Rayan.. you guys have, in some way, strengthened my growing and ever changing personality into what I hope to be a positive and balanced young lady.

Presently I am in the middle of TEFL applications which I am finding very exciting and advise anyone who wants to make an impact on children, teaching abroad, learn another language or culture and to earn money, to think about this as an option at some point. 

Short and sweet update...will be checking in to finish this off tomoro!

J x