Monday 14 November 2011



So tomoro I leave for Thailand!! Crazy times and high emotions running all over the place. I have no idea what to expect but I am as prepared as I could ever be ha!

My Berghaus is absolutely ram and I have left out so many things in aid of packing lightly!! 

I have seen everyone I could want to see and shared a moment of nostalgia.

I love London and I can't wait to comeback and appreciate it all over again but I'm ready for the next chapter of my life.

My tour of Asia starts tomoro.... I will be keeping you updated.

P.S I wonder if I should bother getting travel insurance..... LOL


  1. Things go how they go, sometimes you make big mistakes sometimes small mistakes, you can't turn back time, so the only thing you can do is learn from them and move on, have a nice time in asia

    your dream..



  2. I just read this comment. Thank you for your words. If it is who I think it is then, yes mistakes happen but its all in the learning and making better decisions but also not being afraid to risk it (for a chocolate biscuit). It's amazing...x
