Saturday 18 April 2009

And so it begins....

The summer time is here and with it comes hayfever, allergies, rashes, itching, and the general feeling of 'i think i'm gonna pass out'. And oh how depressing it makes me feel. How jealous I am of those who dont understand what it feels like to not be able to BREATHE in a park or how it is to have skin so sensitive that a simple brush leaves it red, raised and itchy. GRRRR.....
I love the sun, and I love the summer but these allergies along with asthma makes you feel like poo! Foreal!

Anyway on a lighter note both essays are nearly finished : )
But the revision for my exams which begin in less than 5 days has yet to commence. Whoops!
Also, did a couple auditions which I have yet to hear back from, plus Plague facebook and myspace have kicked off which is good.

I cannot wait until May 1st! F R E E D O M

Also love to singers Cynthia Erivo and Shean Williams. Please google them or check them out on my youtube account: JazmineCox



Friday 27 March 2009


So....its been a while since I last updated but I googled my name out of boredom and this was one of the links so I figured it was a sign to update. I finish my 2nd year at the University of Wesminster in less than 4 weeks which is slightly scary, except I have 2 essays (each 3000) words and 2 exams to do in that time. Sure!

I have some shows coming up with the dance crew I'm in, Plague, and I also intend on going on holiday at least twice this year : )

Things seem to be going I don't want to jinx it!
Will keep ya updated,

Jazmine x